School's OFSTEAD report is 'glowing'
By Jo Deeks on Thursday, 8th July 1999.

Adjudged to be "a very good school", inspectors praised the strong leadership and management of the school, stating that its resources were efficiently managed and the headteacher and governors provided clear educational direction.
Information technology had greatly improved and the newly-established computer suite was used effectively to develop pupils' IT skills, the inspectors' report said.
However, achievements in mathematics were below average and there was Insufficient scientific investigation for the pupils at the end of Key Stage Two.
The report said the school had successfully addressed issues identified in the last report and although some problems still existed with large class sizes, these were being dealt with and an additional teachcr had been appointed.
"The strengths of the school greatly outweigh the weaknesses. Pupils have positive attitudes to work, behave well and form positive relationships with adults and each other. There is a strong commitment to raising levels," the report said.
National Curriculum test results in science were well above the national average. Literacy skills were good and numeracy skills satistactory. Above-average results were achieved at the end of Key Stage One in reading and writing, but below average in mathematics.
Head Rosemarie Sadler said she was delighted with the report, which recognised the hard work of the staff team and identified the many strengths of the school.
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