Sally shares vision of digital future
By Jo Deeks on Thursday, 5th April 2001.

Sally Roberts, 23, from Barnsley, has come to the town to lead a two-year Multi@rts project, with a high-tech studio at Cangle Junction.
The project was set up with a £55,880 Lottery arts grant, aimed at extending access to digital media across the community.
Taster workshops have already started and open access sessions will begin next month, all free of charge.
Ms Roberts, who has a visual communications degree from Birmingham University, will be showing people how to use video and still camera equipment, web design, and how to produce CDs and DVDs, animation and graphics.
"There has been an excellent response so far we are pretty much full up," she said.
"Everything is going really well and I am really excited about having all the latest equipment to work with."
She added: "The project is for absolutely anyone in the community. Most people have been quite mature so far, but it is open to anyone over 16 and we are putting on separate courses for younger people.
"We are hoping to extend it for as long as possible, but we will have to seek funding for it. We don't want all that equipment to go to waste after two years."
Caro Blount-Shah, St Edmundsbury Borough Council's arts development officer, will be helping to run the courses, which must be pre-booked.
Leaflets detailing the courses are available at the Cangle, Haverhill Library, Haverhill Arts Centre and the town council office.
For more information ring Sally on 01440 707131
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