Roundabout plans get the go-ahead
By Jo Deeks on Thursday, 22nd November 2001.

Industrialist pressure group Haverhill Enterprise 2000 has already announced a £45,000 scheme to commission a sculpture for the first by-pass roundabout approaching the town from Cambridge.
The attracted Arts and Business East funding for half the cost and will raise the remainder in cash or help in kind from local businesses.
This week St Edmundsbury Borough Council’s Leisure Services Committee approved a scheme for the other seven roundabouts.
The committee also agreed to bid for £4,000 in the next financial year and £5,000 a year in future years for maintenance. Council officers will also be seeking sponsorship for work on the roundabouts as funding will not cover the entire cost.
It is planned to commission another artwork for the eastern most by-pass roundabout, which greets visitors arriving in the town form the direction, to balance and complement the artwork planned on the west.
Sponsorship is sought for the other roundabouts to cover the cost of planting trees and shrubs. The art work will be the greatest initial cost, but the lowest maintenance cost.
Shrubs would cost around £3,000 to provide and £550 a year to maintain, with bedding plants £1,500, but £4,500 a year to maintain.
The emphasis would be on planting shrubs, because of the low maintenance costs, and as much sponsorship as possible will be sought for the scheme.
“Haverhill has grown rapidly recently. The town is being transformed and has a feeling of energy and excitement, but some of the town’s industrial areas looks shabby and are distinctly inviting to potential investors”, the report to the committee said.
“Officers will consult locally to see which roundabouts are viewed as most in need of improvement. Members can judge how well this works next summer, and can then decide whether or not they wish to finance planting on roundabouts in subsequent years.”
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