Rotary Money Goes a Long Way
Tuesday, 13th March 2007.

Focus on Africa is a UK based charity that seeks to provide practical support to those in need across Africa. The charity was inspired by the late Peter Plumb who, after working in Africa for a number of years, felt a deep commitment to its people and continued to support and assist where he could, particularly in Kenya.
To date FOA have carried out a number of projects including creating a playground at a nursery, digging a well, building classrooms and painting a large orphanage.
Their current focus, where this recent donation will be spent, is the ongoing construction and development of an orphanage in a remote rural area of Western Kenya. It is a very poor district, lacking any facilities for orphaned children who often end up either sleeping rough or being used as little more than house slaves.
The money donated by Haverhill & District Rotary Club will contribute towards installing a much needed water pump to supply the orphanage with fresh running water. Further information on this project can be found at
The third Focus on Africa May Ball, designed to raise further funds and awareness, will be held at Chilford Hall on 9th June. Tickets are £45 and available from Preview Property Services tel: 01440 706315
Rotary was founded in 1905 and now has 1.2 million members worldwide. Rotarians are dedicated to the values of humanitarian service and building goodwill and peace. The Rotary motto ‘Service Above Self’ sums up members' aspirations. Haverhill Rotary club is just one of over 29000 in 160 countries.
All Rotarians worldwide are united in a campaign for the global eradication of polio. Rotary and its global partners have immunised more than one billion children against Polio since 1985 at a cost of US$500 million to Rotary members. During the coming months certification of a Polio-free world will become a real possibility.
Haverhill & District Rotary Club meets at Haverhill Golf Club for about two hours every Monday evening. The Club extends a warm welcome to likeminded individuals and would especially like to welcome a few ladies.
For more information please contact: Geoff Carter on 01440 702633 (daytime).
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