Rotary club rewards students for positive contributions
Wednesday, 18th May 2011.

The students had been nominated by teachers and staff for their contributions not only to the school but also to the wider community.
They were introduced by representatives from their schools who provided an individual summary of their achievements.
Within the schools, these included representation on school councils, mentoring of younger students, running various clubs and being an ambassador for the school.
Without exception, the over-riding comments were that these students all showed a very positive attitude in all they did, they put others before themselves and have earned the respect of everyone with whom they came into contact.
The students were: Andrew Watts (Castle Manor), Ronald Dadds (Samuel Ward), Lauren Sullivan (Samuel Ward), Joel Brinkley (Clare Middle School), Scott Bishop (Parkway Middle School), Jade Sharp (Castle Manor) and Georgia Gibson (Castle Hill Middle School).
Wayne Lloyd, from Castle Manor, on behalf of the other teaching staff, thanked the Rotary Club and said that such awards can make a big difference to individuals when applying for further education or employment.
Thanks are also due to Robert Haylock and John Senior from the Rotary Club for arranging the awards and hosting the evening respectively.
The Rotary Club would also like to thank the representatives from the schools for nominating the students and for giving their time to attend the awards.
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