Road chaos could kill, say couple
By Jo Deeks on Thursday, 15th February 2001.

Ron Franklin, 70, and his wife Win, 68, have lived in their bungalow in Burton End for seven years and claim the traffic problems are getting worse.
They believe a traffic island should be removed and a new bus shelter ripped out because it is too big and in the wrong place.
Only a couple of weeks ago, a car knocked down the lamp post outside their home, so now there is no light, increasing the danger.
"Someone could have been injured or killed as a result of it and we don't want to wait until that happens before something is done," said Mrs Franklin.
"We could do with some speed bumps because cars go so fast and it is very busy."
MP Richard Spring visited the couple to look at the traffic issues.
Steve Boor, special projects officer for St Edmundsbury Borough Council's Highways Department said he was unaware of the problems, but would look into them if asked.
There had been traffic problems in Burton End and traffic islands had been provided to help pedestrians cross safely.
PHOTO CAPTION: Traffic control... MP Richard Spring, right, meets Ron and Win Franlin at the bus shelter in Burton End
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