Revamp is not drab
Thursday, 16th March 2000.

The JD Wetherspoon chain began a £850,000 refurbishment of the former Murray's premises at the back of Market Square last autumn and work is almost complete.
Mr Amos, 38, and Ms Goodhall, 29, come from Teesside and are getting married next year.
They have been with Wetherspoon for a year and have experience working in their other properties.
Mr Amos also had about nine years as a pub manager at Romford.
"We came down a couple of weeks ago and went into a few of the pubs talking to people and they were so friendly it was unbelievable,! said Mr Amos.
PICTURE CAPTION: No shocks at the smock . . . from left, Sophie Powell, Paul Amos and Kay Goodhall.
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