Reminder: Don’t Lose Your Chance to Vote!
Sunday, 15th October 2006.

Over the last few weeks, St Edmundsbury Borough Council has sent registration forms out to more than 44,000 homes to collect information so an updated list of people entitled to vote, known as the Register of Electors, can be published by 1 December. The response so far has been good, with half of households returning their registration details within the first ten days.
Deborah Cadman, St Edmundsbury’s Chief Executive and Electoral Registration Officer, said:
“This is an excellent start to the update of the register and means that those people have made sure they will be able to vote at the borough and parish elections on 3 May next year. I would encourage everyone who still needs to return their form to do so promptly to both secure their vote and ensure we do not have to spend Council Taxpayers’ money on sending out reminders.”
If you do not need to make any changes to the details listed on the form for your household, you can confirm your registration 24 hours a day over the telephone or using the internet. If any details have changed, you should fill in the form and send it back.
Anyone with any questions about their form can contact the helpline on 01284 757131 or email
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