Recruitment agency overwhelmed with charity gifts
Friday, 21st December 2012.

The recruitment agency in Jubilee Walk wanted to help support a local charity this Christmas and chose Haverhill Foodbank, which supports families and individuals in need who have been affected by problems including losing their job or benefits.
They have collected 236 items of food from their staff and generous customers including: HID, Winplus Europe, The Bernhard Group, Cadix, Titon, and Level Four Golf. Marchant Recycling gave £50 worth of donations alone and The Design Office five bags of donations.
Lesley Whiting, director of 1st Stop Recruitment, said: “We were thrilled with the number of items we have been able to collect in such a short space of time for a local charity which is helping people who have suddenly been put in awful circumstances due to losing a job or having benefits cut or lost.
“There are people in our town who are really suffering, particularly at the moment with the economic conditions, and it is thanks to charities like Haverhill Foodbank and REACH community projects that there is support out there for them at this difficult time. We want to thank all our customers who contributed so generously.”
Haverhill Foodbank was launched in October 2008 by REACH community projects in partnership with The Trussell Trust and Haverhill and District Churches Together (HDCT).
The Foodbank collects donations to help bridge the gap with food for a family or individual for at least three days (or until other agencies or services becomes available). They work closely with other agencies, such as family support workers, health visitors and Social Services.
Henry Wilson, from REACH, said: “The generosity of local people is overwhelming, we never take it for granted. The clients and staff here at 1st Stop Recruitment have been fantastic.
"Sadly it is getting very difficult for many people and these donations are so very welcome, we just can’t thank people enough!”
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