Receptionist's furthest-ever run raises charity cash
Monday, 14th October 2013.

Ruth, whose five-year-old daughter Kirsty has Down’s, completed the half-marathon with running partner and colleague Duty Manager Kirsty Millard in 2hr 16min 13sec.
Ruth, 47, said: “This was the furthest I have ever run. I jog for fitness and have run a few 10k (6-mile) races. Kirsty Millard encouraged me to return to running when my little Kirsty was three and has coached me to increase my distance and pace up to entering this race.
“My little Kirsty is five-and-a-half and had a tough first year in life - we nearly lost her a couple of times, once at birth and again after open heart surgery when she was 20 weeks old.
"Thanks to the heart surgeons at the Royal Brompton our little girl is now strong and active and just as busy, happy and cheeky as a five-year-old should be!”
The Down's Syndrome Association (DSA) has been a constant source of support, guidance and information to Ruth and her family.
They were there on the support line to listen to their fears and worries about Kirsty's health and future in the early days, and have since provided valuable information on how they can help her develop her potential as she grows.
Ruth, who lives in Horsham Close in Haverhill but is originally from New Zealand, added: “I have attended DSA courses on how best to help her at playgroup and then settle into school.
"She attends New Cangle School in Haverhill and is doing well there with the support of some dedicated teachers and her classroom helper, who also have benefitted from advice from DSA.
“The DSA is a charity and relies on donations to keep supporting families and people with Down's Syndrome in the UK.
"They do a lot of work towards helping young adults into employment and to live independently - so we will need them for a long time to come!
"My husband Stuart recently put together a football team to take part in a charity match held at West Ham all in aid of the DSA. Kirsty Millard's husband Kevin came and played for the team too.”
Ruth has worked at Haverhill Leisure Centre for eight years and together with Kirsty has been doing training runs and long runs around their family life and shifts, as well as training on treadmill in the centre’s gym.
If you would like to give to Ruth’s fundraiser visit
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