Queen Street gates to be lit up at last
Monday, 6th December 2010.

The gates were designed and created by Haverhill school students in partnership with a local engineering company and installed in the summer.
The gates completed the enhancement works for Queen Street undertaken as part of the Tesco development, and it has always been intended they would be lit by low-level LED lighting.
The gates are made of steel in the shape of lime leaves with a crown and a 'Q' logo within the design reflecting the street's name.
They were also burnished and textured by hundreds of hours of work by schoolchildren and members of the wider community in a project co-ordinated by Samuel Ward college's art department.
The texturing is aimed at creating a particularly striking effect once the gates are lit, and the first opportunity to see it will be at the launch of the lighting at 3.30pm on Friday, December 17.
St Edmundsbury Borough Council, which financed and oversaw the gates project, is inviting everyone to come to the lighting-up event.
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