Puppet paradise delights tiny tots
Thursday, 17th August 2000.

The fast-moving puppet show delighted around 65 tiny tots, mums and dads at the Haverhill Arts Centre.
Everyone enjoyed the comedy, colour and special magic tricks of the show - part of the Arts Centre's programme of summer productions for children.
Richard Shepard, usher at the centre, said: “The kids loved it. They were screaming and shouting the responses and the adults seemed to enjoy themselves too.”
A second show, Bertie the Bug's Cosmic Millenium Adventure, was also presented.
A musical comedy for three to 11-year-olds, it was full of slapstick, songs and audience participation.
(Picture caption: Rabbit, rabbit, Rabbit... Olivia Scull, four, with Rabbit Redford at Haverhill Arts Centre.)
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