Pupils get green fingers for easter
Thursday, 13th April 2000.

Town mayor Angela Millar went along to watch the morning special Easter activities which 18 children enjoyed.
Extra mums were called in to help superbise the youngsters as they used compost and plants to create the gardens.
"They made some lovely baskets ansd some lovely gardens, they were really pleased with them and their bright colours," said Denise Pannell, one of the organisers.
"We usually do something for Easter.
Last year it was nests, so this was a bit less messy. The children really enjoyed it and we will do the same again for another group tomorrow."
The playgroup has some vacancies. Ring Dorothy Parker on (01440) 702471.
Picture : Ready for Easter....the Mayor of Haverhill, Angela Millar, drops in on the playgroup.
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