Pub shows off the bright lights of Christmas
Thursday, 21st December 2000.

Since she moved to the pub four years ago, Mrs Smith has added to the collection of tinsel and lights in her pub. This year it took her no less than four days to complete her display, including seven sets of lights, and there is hardly an inch left without tinsel or a decoration.
Barmaid June Gibson said she thought the pub looked so nice that Mrs Smith deserved some recognition for her efforts.
"She really goes out of her way to make it look nice and every year she buys more lights and decorations. All the customers comment on how nice it looks," Mrs Gibson said.
Mrs Smith says she is not really a big Christmas fan but once she starts decorating she just seems to keep adding more.
Some of her customers tease her that the bar looks like Santa's grotto, but next year she may start decorating the outside of the pub as well.
"I don't really enjoy putting them up as I am not very tall and the ceilings are high so I struggle a bit up a ladder with the lights.
"As they have not got ruined I have been able to pack them away from one year to the next. My husband supervises them going up, but he does take them down for me," Mrs Smith said.
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