Pub landlord hits back at noise protests
By Jo Deeks on Thursday, 31st August 2000.

Mark Inman, of the Bell in Haverhill, says he cannot believe the fuss — particularly as he has not started to use his extended public entertainment licence yet.
Haverhill Town Council agreed last month to allow an extension to the pub’s entertainment licence until lam on a six-month trial basis.
However, Mr Inman said he had not yet taken advantage of the extension as the Bell is due to close on September 4 for a major £400,000 refurbishment.
It will re-open on October 17, when the new hours will operate on Friday and Saturday nights.
An application for a liquor licence until lam will be considered by magistrates on September 13.
Mr Inman said: “We have never had any complaints about our noise levels in the past but now we have been granted an extension we have had complaints — and we have not even used it yet.
“I think it is people trying to stir up trouble, but they have shot themselves in the foot by saying we have music until lam, because even the police know we are not open until lam.”
He added: “We have air conditioning so we don’t need to open the windows and we have done everything we can to reduce noise.
“We are just trying to help the town by providing some nightlife.”
Mr Inman said the premises would be completely remodelled, using the former Victoria Wine premises at the front, building new toilets at the back and creating one large open bar area.
When the Bell re-opens it will have a coffee shop open from 9am, meals available all day, and a programme of music, karaoke, quizzes and theme nights.
Geoff Bouttell, principal environmental health officer at St Edmundsbury Borough Council, said the council had received noise complaints and these were being investigated in the normal way.
He said officers tried to achieve a balance between the needs of businesses and those of neighbours.
(Picture Caption: What noise? ...landlord Mark Inman, right, and pub DJ Mark Baddeley are puzzled by the complaints from neighbours of the Bell in Haverhill.)
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