Proceeds from Remembrance Festival handed over
Thursday, 25th November 2010.

The festival, held over two days, October 29 and 30, at Haverhill Arts Centre, was held primarily to mark the 90th anniversary of the unveiling of the town's war memorial, and was not essentially a fund raising event.
However, organisers had decided any proceeds should go to the RBL's poppy appeal and in the event, a total of £880 was handed over.
This was made up from three sources - ticket sales for the concert In Flanders Fields which rounded off the event on the Saturday evening, the sale of programmes and raffle tickets at the free two-day event of displays and performances, and donations from groups, businesses and relatives of the war dead whose names were read out throughout the event.
Barry Young, chairman of the RBL Haverhill branch was presented with a cheque for £518, raised from programmes and the raffle, by Madeline Turner who organised it and secured prize4s from businesses.
David Hart, who organised the concert and the stage performances during the two days, presented Mr Young with a cheque for £213, from the concert tickets, and Hugh Morgan presented a cheque for £124, representing the donations.
The whole event was organised by a team from various town organisations, led by Alan Bumpstead of Haverhill Family History Group, who thanked Haverhill Town Council and St Edmundsbury Borough Council, without whose financial support and encouragement, he said, the project would never have got off the drawing board.
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