Powerlifting boosts church's message
Tuesday, 5th July 2011.

This year they departed slightly from their tradition by having an organisation called Tough Talk as the guest 'speaker'.
Tough Talk is a registered charity dedicated to sharing the Christian message in an informal way that appeals to people who would not normally go to a church meeting.
It is made up of a group of men with backgrounds of ex-bouncers, ex-football hooligans and ex-East End hard men who have turned their backs on their past.
Many of the team are very keen powerlifters. The team travels throughout the UK, Europe and worldwide performing powerlifting demonstrations as a backdrop to telling their amazing stories.
The presentation was well received, with quite a few passers-by stopping to see what was going on and staying to watch.
Several people stayed to speak with organisers after the service and a good number went across the road to the church's the Next Door coffee shop for refreshments and a chat.
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