Potential Olympic champion?
By Martin Chapman on Monday, 21st June 2004.

Eleven year old, Allessia Thomas-Jackson, has won many an accolade this season including Inter-schools champion, British Alpine, Millennium and English Alpine Champion.
Allesia spends between December and April every year, training alongside Team Excel on the slopes of Austria and France. Her mother, Niki, meanwhile ensures she keeps up to date with all her school work.
Alessia spent this winter training with Romanian Olympic skier, Miki Fera and American Coach, Gus DeMaggio, both of whom have high hopes that she will be heading to the Vancouver Olympics when’s she is just 17 years old.
This year has cost around £10,000 to fund Alessia’s training, now her mother, is looking for local businesses to sponsor her daughter in any way possible – goods, services or even cash.
Niki said that apart from having you name associated with a potential future Olympic champion, business also benefit from the ability to reclaim the tax back.
Anyone who maybe able to help is asked to contact Niki Thomas-Jackson on 07944 609869, or by emailing nikiskiing@aol.com
E-Mail Link: nikiskiing@aol.com
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