Police appeal for trick or treaters to act responsibly
Wednesday, 27th October 2010.

Shops have been asked not to sell eggs or flour to anyone under 16 on the day or the day before, and signs and posters have been made available for elderly people or those uncomfortable with the tradition to display in their windows.
PC Mike Potter said police asked those enjoying Halloween to respect the rights of others and take notice of the signs.
"We ask youngsters to imagine if it was their nan or grandad who were frightened by people knocking on their doors," he said.
Across Suffolk trick or treaters are being urged by police to take a responsible attitude to Halloween and ensure that it is a happy and safe time for everyone, whether young or old.
Leading up to Halloween officers from local Safer Neighbourhood Teams have been visiting schools with the aim of educating school children on how to behave responsibly within the community.
Police are warning trick or treaters that any damage caused by egg-throwing will be treated as criminal damage and those caught throwing eggs will be prosecuted. If they are found guilty this will result in a criminal record.
A poster produced by Suffolk police asks parents to think about the safety of their children and asks if they would normally let their children call on a stranger’s home unsupervised.
Chief Inspector Kerry Pauling said: “We are not trying to spoil the fun of Halloween but we would like trick or treaters to recognise that some people, particularly elderly or vulnerable, might be distressed by strangers knocking at their door during the evening.
“Extra patrols will be in place throughout the county with the primary aim being to make sure that the evening is peaceful and the number of disturbances are kept to a minimum.
"Not only are we appealing to the younger members of the community to act responsibly but also to the general public to be a little more tolerant of the high spirits of people celebrating the event.”
Suffolk Constabulary is offering top tips for young people this Halloween to help them enjoy their evening without causing distress or alarm to others:
· Always be accompanied by an adult when you are
· Only go to houses of people that you know and who are happy for you to call.
· Stay safe, keep to places that you know and are well lit. Do not take short cuts through gardens, alleyways or parks.
· Watch out for traffic - drivers might not see you.
· If you are wearing a mask, make sure that you can see where you are going and are aware of your surroundings.
Suffolk Police urge all residents to report any incidents of anti-social behaviour on the run up to Halloween to the police on 01473 613500.
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