Parking crackdown planned for The Pightle
Friday, 12th March 2010.

Since the street became a cul-de-sac as part of the Tesco redevelopment six months ago, more and more vehicles have been parked in it causing complaints that its new, pleasant appearance is being spoiled.
Kevin Shipp of Suffolk County Council highways department gave members of Haverhill Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) an update yesterday on efforts to solve the problem.
The existing traffic order referred to its former yellow lines and since the layout had been changed, the order would need changing, he said.
"We were asked not to put yellow lines in the new street, so the prohibition will just be on signs at the entrance," he said.
Meanwhile in the short-term he agreed to put up temporary information signs and to carry out a leaflet drop to surrounding residents and businesses.
SNT chairman Cllr Tim Marks said the problem was that residents parked in front of their houses so others saw the vehicles and parked there as well.
There is a car park provided behind the houses in the new layout, but it is hardly ever used.
* Our composite picture shows, above, cars parked in The Pightle and, below, the empty car park at the rear.
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