Parents urged to check on children's whereabouts over Easter holidays
Thursday, 14th April 2011.

A poster will be going up in shops, community centres and other public places across the town. It asks parents to be mindful of where their children are, who they are with, what they are doing and what time they’re returning home.
The poster supports the current policy of phoning the parents of teenagers found behaving anti-socially, as young people in Haverhill persist in causing disorder around Strasbourg Square and the old railway line.
Haverhill Safer Neighbourhood Team's Sgt Sarah Bartley said: "We are keen to promote awareness amongst parents about their youngsters’ whereabouts during the Easter holidays and as the evenings get lighter.
"Most parents we have called when their children have been found causing a nuisance have been extremely surprised to find out what they have been up to.
“All we are asking in this poster is that parents take the time to find out where their children are going to be, especially during the lighter evenings.
"While we want all children to thoroughly enjoy their Easter break, it can be easy for youngsters to become involved in minor crime and anti-social behaviour without some rules being imposed by parents.
“Where young people are found to be behaving anti-socially, parents will be called out to collect their child rather than the child being formally dealt with.
"We don’t want to criminalise young people for having what they consider to be a laugh with their mates – but we do need to make it clear to them that their behaviour is impacting upon others, and parents can often do this better than we can.
“A mental note by parents of where their children are going to be, and when they are returning home could be enough to prevent that young person becoming unnecessarily involved in crime and disorder.”
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