Parents Backed By MP In Bid To Calm Traffic
Saturday, 2nd August 2003.

Joy Holgate, of Parkside on the Clements Estate in Haverhill, and her neighbour Sue Foord met West Suffolk MP Richard Spring to show him the problem on the town's Clarendon Road, after becoming increasingly concerned about speeding traffic near Clements Primary School.
Mrs Holgate, a classroom assistant at the school, said she and Mrs Foord felt something must be done to protect the children.
She said: "I see what happens when I walk to school each day. It just seems strange that there are speed humps everywhere else on the estate but nothing near the school.
"A lot of little ones walk on the path down there but if there are bins out they only have to step out into the road and there could be a nasty accident.
"My own children are older and don't go there any more but it is a brilliant school and I think something should be done."
Mr Spring said he agreed to visit the site as the two women believed the situation posed significant dangers to young children. He said: "I recently called on Suffolk County Council to introduce 20mph speed limits outside all of the schools in my constituency. This is yet another example of why something needs to be done.
"It is totally unacceptable for children to be put at risk by speeding vehicles - particularly in close proximity to venues where they congregate.
"I will certainly take the matter forward. I am grateful to Mrs Holgate and Mrs Foord for taking the initiative to raise this issue with me. It is a useful part of my campaign to create a safer environment for children at and near their schools."
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