Operation joy gets go-ahead
By Stephen Blease on Thursday, 8th June 2000.

Fundraisers have almost gathered the £4,000 necessary to pay for Tristan Hyman’s operation and the surgeon set to perform it will be donating his fee to a fund for sick children.
Tristan, from Cornish Hall End, near Haverhill, has been waiting more than 18 months for corrective surgery to his foot, which is beginning to turn in.
Fitness instructor Kim Moss, from Haverhill Leisure Centre, decided to raise money in the London Marathon to pay for a private operation.
She has now raised more than £2,200 and collected more than £1,000 in other donations. Tristan’s mother Jo has been told she can go ahead and book the operation.
Tristan has had a number of health problems since an undiagnosed disorder as a baby meant he stopped eating. He has learning difficulties and suffers considerable pain in walking.
Mrs Hyman said: “It is especially painful for him early in the morning and late at night. We have to carry him up to bed. He can still walk but he is limping very badly.”
On top of the £2,200 Kim has raised, she received £1,000 from Roy Hunter, who did a sponsored walk while recovering from a stroke.
There have been various anonymous donations, and she now has an Ipswich football shirt, signed by the players, which she will auction.
“I have had two offers of £100 for it,” she said. “It will go to the highest bidder.”
Mrs Hyman said she was very relieved the wait was nearly over, and grateful to all who had given.
“We are delighted,” she said.
(Picture Caption: Vital Operation... Kim Moss of Haverhill Leisure Centre, who has helped raise nearly £4,000 to pay for a vital operation for Tristran Hyman, 10.)
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