Operation Hornet adds a sting to police swoop
By Sara Nathan on Thursday, 10th August 2000.

Homes across Haverhill have suffered a total of 130 burglaries since January 1 and police were determined to crack down on the culprits.
Officers set off from Haverhill Station just after dawn last Wednesday as part of Operation Hornet.
Insp Mike Bacon, sector commander at Haverhill, said: “Operation Hornet was set up specifically to deal with burglary problems in Haverhill.
“The purpose of the exercise was to execute a number of warrants in the Haverhill area.
“Over the past few months, we have had a number of house burglaries. In the operation, we went to the homes of known burglars and people suspected of handling stolen goods.
“With these type of operations, we are gathering intelligence all the time and we can organise raids in about a week.
“However, we still have to go to magistrates’ court to get the warrants under the Theft Act.”
Officers joined force with colleagues from stations around West Suffolk and Ipswich for the raids.
“When we carry out simultaneous warrants, you need at least three or four officers per address. You have to cover the property and make sure every person on the premises is accounted for,” said Insp Bacon.
At 8am, teams of officers dressed in body armour and protective boiler suits gained entry to homes using a “rapid entry technique”.
At premises on the Clements Estate in Haverhill, officers, accompanied by a police dog, forced their way into one home by using a battering ram.
Minutes later, a young man in handcuffs was led out of the house by officers after being arrested in connection with the burglary offences.
By 10.3Oam, all the officers were back at the base. A total of five people were arrested on suspicion of burglary and handling stolen goods.
As a result of the raids, officers recovered a quantity of suspected stolen property, ranging from electrical equipment to jewellery.
Insp Bacon added he was pleased by the outcome of the raids. He said: “Burglary is an offence that does affect people, with no regard for the people who live in the affected house. It’s quite a heart-rending offence.”
Haverhil Crime Reduction Officer David Dyble said he was very pleased by the haul and said some property had already been identified.
Anyone with any information about burglaries should call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
Countdown To Operation Hornet
At 7am, officers arrive at Haverhill police station for briefing.
They then change into protective navy blue boiler suits, gloves and heavy boots, complete with body armour.
Having been split up into teams, they speed off in unmarked police cars.
At 8am, the teams of officers gain entry to the homes where they have warrants to search the property.
After an exhaustive search of the premises, they arrive back at the police station by 10:30am.
(Picture Caption: Go, Go, Go...officers effect an entry during operation Hornet and, inset, sector commander Insp Mike Bacon.)
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