Old Baz rolls up to somewhere he might remember
Monday, 7th February 2011.

The stalwart of the long-running antidote to panel games I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue will be in town on Saturday, March 19, at 7.30pm with a new show BUTTERFLY BRAIN which is billed as a stream of unconsciousness and sit-down comedy.
You can join old Baz as his advanced years take their toll on his short-term memory, causing him to get distracted and lose his train of thought.
He is on an alphabetical, hypothetical journey from A to Z. Have you noticed that all the letters in the alphabet are in the right order? Come with him as he embarks on an odyssey of oddities from Aardvark to Zulu...Flabbergasted means appalled at how much weight you’ve gained!
For the first time, he can claim to be a man of letters, even including X. Bear with him, or Winnie the Pooh and Tigger as they were known. Next to Baz you will spot Colin Sell at the P&O.
Tickets are £18.50, to book call the box office on 01440 714140 or go to the website www.haverhillartscentre.co.uk
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