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Matthew Hancock
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OAP's anger at vandals

Thursday, 14th October 1999.

A PENSIONER who decorated his front garden with ornaments is at a loss to understand why vandals have smashed some of them.
Alfred Sykes, 74, of Sorrel Walk, Haverhill, discovered a Snow White figure knocked over and most of the seven dwarfs smashed to pieces.
He also has a wishing well and a flying Pegasus model he made. He said he put them there largely for children to enjoy as they passed by on their way to school.
"I would just like to ask the vandals why they did it - what possible pleasure could anyone get from it? I wasn't doing anyone any harm and a lot of the children got quite excited when they saw it," said Mr Sykes, who has lived in Haverhill for 20 years.
"I was going to do something for Christmas with a Santa, but I don't know whether to bother now."
Information is requested by Haverhill police on (01284) 774480

Picture caption: Vandal attack . . . pensioner Alfred Sykes shows off some of the damage caused to the ornamental displays in the garden of his Haverhill home. He said he had been thinking of putting on a Christmas display for the children to enjoy but was now not so sure.

Haverhill Weekly News

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