Not so sweet warning from trading standards
By Martin Chapman on Tuesday, 18th December 2001.

The Food Standards Agency has already taken action to remove them from sale in the UK, however there are concerns that they may still be on sale, particularly in small corner shops.
The sweets are sold under a number of different names including: ABC Mini Fruit Bites, New Choice Mini Fruit Gels, and Rolin Mango Jelly Cup; but they all contain knojac, which can cause choking. The ingredient is found at the centre in a fruit flavoured gum.
The sweets, pictured, come in a small carton, similar to a coffee creamer and have a rounded edge. They are sealed with foil lid.
Peter Monk of Suffolk County Council’s executive committee said: “Trading standards officers will be carrying out spot checks at shops over the next few days.”
Suzi Leather of the Food Standards Agency said: “we want to alert parents to the potential risk and be very clear these sweets are to be avoided and children should not but or eat them.”
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