New Shop Watch scheme launched to beat thieves
Thursday, 26th June 2014.

Shop Watch members have access to a secure online database of people who have been caught shoplifting and members are able to collectively ban offenders from stores throughout Haverhill by using this system. This process is managed by the chairperson of the Shop Watch committee.
Seven stores have joined the scheme already and it is hoped many more will follow. The scheme also provides businesses with stickers for doors and windows to act as a deterrent to thieves, free security advice and opportunities for networking with other local businesses.
Sgt Gary Miller of Haverhill Safer Neighbourhood Team said: "Shop Watch online is an additional tool we can use to raise awareness of suspicious incidents, give important crime prevention advice and improve communications between police and retailers.
"It is important for all parties concerned to work together to combat shoplifting and this scheme is a great way of keeping everybody connected. Our main aim is to get the message across to thieves that we are watching them and they are not welcome in Haverhill.”
Retailers in Haverhill interested in taking part in the scheme should contact PCSO Les Scott at Haverhill SNT on 101.
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