New party game hits the spot at leisure centre
Friday, 26th March 2010.

A fast-paced game, similar to tag, it has players using lasers to tag their opponents and score as many points as possible. The game is suitable for children aged eight and over, and the centre hopes to run laser battle events for adults in the future.
The latest addition to the centre’s bespoke party list takes the number of different children’s parties to nine.
During the refurbishment of the Leisure Centre, dedicated party rooms were made to cater for a huge range of children’s interests. There are now themed parties for swimming, football, disco and Kids City.
General manager Dominic Greenwood said: “Laser battle is the ultimate sci-fi action adventure party for all ages, boys and girls. Each game session lasts 20 minutes, with up to 12 players.
“We give the children a full briefing and all the equipment they need. Each player carries a laser. Points are scored by zapping your opponents. It’s completely safe and children are asked to wear socks, no shoes. It is great fun and a good way for kids to burn off all that excess energy!”
More information can be found at the Haverhill Leisure Centre website at
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