New-look Queen Street to be unveiled on Friday 13th
Wednesday, 28th October 2009.

The scheme, which has been in progress for many months alongside the new works created by the arrival of Tesco, will be opened at 10am on Friday, November 13.
Tree-planting and lighting will be completed over the next two weeks.
Timed to coincide with the opening is a three-day Italian Market in the street, launching at 9am the same day.
The road will re-open after the market weekend.
Members of Haverhill Town Council last night (Tuesday) heard there had been applications from 12 shops for grants under the Queen Street shop fronts scheme, to improve their appearance.
Cllr Anne Gower reported from PATCH, the committee which is overseeing the provision of public art in Haverhill town centre, that the lime-leaf design gates for Queen Street were being drawn up and would soon go out to tender.
Whether there would be any other public art would depend how much was left out of the budget when they were completed, but she hoped there would be other items.
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