New lifeline for domestic abuse victims
Friday, 15th October 2010.

The victim vare ventre is one of three across Suffolk, dedicated to helping vulnerable victims of crime and witnesses including children, vulnerable adults, and victims of rape, sexual assault, and domestic abuse.
Ten mobile phones are being donated to the centre by the store on Cornhill, and these will be distributed to domestic abuse victims on a temporary basis who may otherwise struggle to make contact with others or police in an emergency.
Victim care officer Nina Martin has worked with the Carphone Warehouse to obtain the phones, and says they could be the only link recipients have with the outside world or to call emergency services.
She said: “The phones will be loaned out to certain people who have no other means of communicating with others - for example victims who have had to move out of their home because of domestic abuse, maybe to a refuge, or someone whose partner restricts their access to money.
"The phones all come with pre-paid credit to enable recipients to make emergency calls if they need to.
“We are very grateful for the Carphone Warehouse’s support of this initiative, which will provide reassurance to some of the most vulnerable people in West Suffolk.”
Suffolk Constabulary is also encouraging any victim of abuse, whether it be emotional, psychological, financial, sexual or physical, to speak out. In many cases victims are too afraid to report the abuse or believe it will stop on its own.
Det Insp Adrian Randall who manages the victim care centre in Bury said: “These mobile phones will add to our capability and through a risk assessment process be allocated to appropriate victims referred to the victim care centre.
"These phones will, in certain circumstances, assist in the safeguarding of some domestic abuse victims, and thereby help a victim break free from the abuse they are suffering.”
By working closely in partnership with support agencies such as Women’s Aid, refuges, Victim Support, Adult and Children’s Services, Probation, Court Services Domestic Violence Forums, Health and the voluntary sector and many more organisations across the county, the cycle of domestic violence can be broken.
Victims can be supported when they come forward, and Suffolk Constabulary can take positive action and enforcement when responding to incidents.
To report an incident of domestic violence call the police on 01473 613500 (in an emergency call 999).
Similarly, Suffolk county’s (non-police) 24-hour confidential helpline will also provide advice and support for victims, family members, colleagues and staff concerned on 0800 783 5121 or via the website
There is also a men’s advice line for male victims - 0808 801 0327.
Those who have abused their partners or adult family members and want to seek help to change their behaviour can call Respect on 0845 122 8609.
Or to find out more information on the support services and initiatives that are available in Suffolk contact Suffolk Constabulary’s domestic
violence team on 01473 613873.
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