New head aims to build college links with employers
Friday, 10th September 2010.
Terry joined the college in 2004 as a part-time lecturer, going on to become an apprenticeship assessor, then senior work-based learning co-ordinator.
He said: “This new role will allow me to expand employer relationships throughout the faculty of arts and technology, with a major emphasis on energy and sustainable building.
“The college is forging links with Magnox, who operate Sizewell A. We also hope to be training EDF staff at Sizewell B this year. In the longer term, we aim to be involved in the development, construction and training of staff for Sizewell C.”
Before coming to the college, Terry was involved in construction and design projects throughout Suffolk.
For example, he was the director of joinery company Jonaz Furniture when they made the high security hardwood key cupboards housing the pass keys at Sizewell A in 1997
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