New dimension planned for town cinema
Monday, 22nd March 2010.

With more and more films being now released in 3D, Haverhill's Cineworld will be joining the party when its two largest auditoriums have their traditional 35mm film projectors removed, to make way for two state-of-the-art NEC digital projectors
General manager Paul Willden said: “Cineworld is committed to keeping its cinemas at the cutting edge of film technology.
"The arrival of digital projection, with the capacity to play 3D films will be enormous for the people of Haverhill, and it is a testament to the success we have had in our first 18 months, that the company is putting the money into our biggest two auditoriums.”
To prepare for the arrival of the new technology, both of the auditoriums will have their screens changed. The screens measure 43ft by 18ft and will give customers the best possible digital experience. Specialist equipment will also be installed that enables a film to be shown in digital 3D.
The digital arrival will be marked with the release of Iron Man 2 on April 30, which will be projected with digital clarity.
3D will be showcased with a range of recent releases returning to the big screen in spectacular 3D. Titles showing over the course of a week will be announced at a later date.
Watching films in 3D will involve the wearing of 3D glasses. The glasses are manufactured by
Real D, and they are not like the ones you may have experienced in the past.
Modern glasses do not have coloured lenses and are comfortable to wear – coming in both adult and child sizes. The glasses will cost 80p per pair, but can be re-used at every subsequent 3D screening, at any Cineworld cinema.
In preparation for the arrival of 3D, Cineworld will be hosting a fun day in the Market Square on Saturday, April 24, with competitions and giveaways, including many pairs of 3D glasses to be won.
Nathan Smith, operations manager at Cineworld Haverhill, said: “We cannot wait to open the doors to the digital screens and give film fans of all ages a chance to enjoy the full cinema experience in their own town cinema.
"With titles like Streetdance, Shrek Forever, and Toy Story 3 all coming out in 3D in the coming months, this is the perfect time for the digital arrival.”
* Our picture shows staff celebrating the imminent arrival of 3D.
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