New clerk looks to a bright future
Thursday, 15th June 2000.

Mr Mussett, 49, who lives at Witham in Essex, started his job this week with Haverhill Town Council as its first full-time town clerk.
Lois Stock, who had been clerk since the council was formed 11 years ago, left Haverhill last summer and Malcolm Baker took on the role temporarily.
A new clerk was appointed earlier this year, but the job had to be readvertised after the successful candidate was unable to take up the position.
Mr Mussett had a long career in local government management services, then latterly with the careers service. He was also parish clerk at Thorington in Essex for 18 years as well as at the parish of Frating for 10 years.
Mr Mussett said he always regarded his parish council work as a hobby, but when he was made redundant from his careers job he saw it as a perfect opportunity to make it his full-time job.
“There are very few full-time town clerk posts available and I felt it was the ideal opportunity at the right time.
“Haverhill has a lot to offer its residents and I really look forward to building on the good work that has already been done and trying to make the town as respected as it should be,” he said.
“It was the enthusiasm of the town councillors and their desire to move forward, that showed me it was a positive place to move to jobwise.”
(Picture Caption: Positive feelings... Gordon Musset, the first full-time town clerk for Haverhill.)
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