New brochure shows how times have changed
Thursday, 27th September 2001.

The brochure was produced at Printwise in Hollands Road.
The firm’s managing director, Terry McGerty is director of Enterprise 2000.
The industrialist pressure group has just 5,000 copies of the brochure printed and 2,000 of these have been pre-sold to estate agents and industrialists wanting to pass on the message about Haverhill’s attractions.
Mr McGerty said they hoped the new brochure showed just how many positive changes there have been in the town since the last brochure was printed.
It included a wish list from young people of facilities they would like to see such as a cinema, bowling alley and a nightclub, all of which are available.
A copy of the brochure will be sent to every company in Haverhill with a letter from the group.
Supplies are available at £1.50 a copy for a minimum of 10 copies or can be ordered via the new email address at or on 01440 704141.
CAPTION: In at the launch … from left, Keith Brown, Rob Maidment, Richard Herbert and Terry McGerty with copies of the new brochure promoting the advantages of Haverhill.
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