New appeal to snatch suspect
By Jo Deeks on Thursday, 27th April 2000.

Sandra Bates, 24, of Wellington Terrace, Haverhill, stopped the man as he took her son Anthony from his own back garden and walked off with him, using a puppy as bait.
Mrs Bates, who has two other children under five, says she no longer feels safe in her home since the incident and wants to move.
Scting dectective sergeant John Dolan said they has received a number of calls since an e-fit image of the man was released and these were being followed up.
No other incidents had been reported in Haverhill or elsewhere in the county.
Although police are still treating the incident very seriously, DS Dolan appealed to the man to get in touch if he should see the publicity.
"If the person who was the one who approached the child reads the paper and is aware that there is an innocent explanation, we would like him to get in touchwith us.
"Our minds are always open and even if he just wants to make initial contact through Crimestoppers we would like to hear from him, "DS Dolan said.
The man, who had a small puppy with him, is described as white,in his twenties, and around 5ft 8in tall.
He had a chubby face, dropping eyes and was wearing trainers and tan suede jacket with a fleece lining. The e-fit is printed below.
Anyone who recognises the man or has any other information should ring DC Neil Vollenhoven on (01284) 774100 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.
Picture : Kidnap attempt...... mum Sandra Bates hopes this e-fit will lead to the arrest of the man who tried to snatch her son from the family's front garden.
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