New accountancy service for sole traders
Tuesday, 11th October 2011.

Backed by Sage, the market leaders in accountancy, payroll, HR and CRM software solutions, the new service will offer highly cost-effective accountancy provision for this often-overlooked sector.
Paul Donno & Co Ltd has worked closely with Sage since the practice was established in 1993. Over the years this relationship has gone from strength to strength with the accountants often being called upon to be involved in pilot projects and feature in Sage marketing communications material.
The way the practice has adopted and embraced the use of technology and social media in its day-to-day operations and for marketing purposes has certainly put them in the spotlight with Sage.
In early September Paul Donno was approached by Sage to take part in a video about Sage One, the new online solution from Sage which has been developed with the small business in mind.
Currently Paul Donno & Co Ltd is just one of a handful of accountants really pushing Sage One in the UK. These firms are championing the new approach to accountancy.
Paul Donno said: “Sage One was launched in January of this year. It is a series of online services that uses Cloud technology, delivering computing as a service rather than a product.
"Shared resources, software and information are provided to computers as a utility over the Internet. It sounds quite complicated but it is very simple and incredibly cost-effective which, as an accountant, really appeals to me!
"The small business owner now has a simple, secure, low-cost way to manage their finances and collaborate with their accountant in real-time.
"For too many years accountancy has focused on historical information – in the 21st century that approach is no longer valid.
"A further benefit is that, in the light of HMRC’s stringent requirement for accurate records with the prospect of fines for non-compliance, Sage One makes it very easy for small business owners to keep records to the required standard.”
The service to be offered by Paul Donno & Co will be specifically for cash-based businesses, such as taxi-drivers, plumbers, electricians, home-workers, lecturers and sub contractors.
For a fixed fee of £25 per month the sole trader can benefit from subscription to Sage One Cashbook, which has a 24/7 helpline and free automatic upgrades, and completion and submission of their self-assessment tax return.
Chelsea Firman will be responsible for developing the new service and is looking forward to growing this sector of the business at Paul Donno & Co Ltd.
Nick Goode, head of marketing at Sage, said: “Sage One helps small businesses to know where they are with their finances in real time and to share that information with their accountant.
"In today’s trading environment it is crucial to be right on top of your cashflow. Sage One gives the small business owner that capability – wherever you have Internet access you can access your accounts - it certainly is anytime, anywhere.
"We are delighted to have Paul Donno & Co Ltd on board championing Sage One on our behalf. Sage One is a fantastic opportunity for Sage and our partners to appeal to a whole new market. Together, we are looking forward to the challenge!”
If you would like to find out more about Paul Donno & Co Ltd take a look at their website – or give call 01787 281688.
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