Music is the winner at showground
Thursday, 20th July 2000.

Organiser Janet Kane said the cold, wet weather kept numbers down slightly on previous years, but there were still around 250 people camping on the site.
They included regular visitors from Holland and other parts of Europe. One change to the programme was that Shaun McMonagle from Ireland did not appear, but was replaced by Texas Nightlife. They are half US Airforce personnel from RAF Lakenheath and half British, and went down a storm with the crowd.
The event usually produces a sizeable sum for charity and Mrs Kane said Papworth Hospital would again be the main beneficiary. Other stars of the show were Steve Cherelle of Stars in their Eyes fame, Martin Cuffe, John Parmenter, Texas Gun, Raymond Froggatt, Nobody from Holland, West Virginia, Gail Davies from Nashville and the Wes Cardy Band.
(Picture Caption: "Country Pursuit ...Richard and Diane Cole get into the swing of things")
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