MP’s appeal to Her Majesty
Thursday, 21st February 2002.

In his letter he expressed his sadness of her Royal Highness Princess Margaret, the Queen’s sister. He said: “May I express my sadness at the death of HRH The Princess Margaret.”
He then appealed for the Queen to visit the consistency, especially Haverhill. He described the town as: “a wonderful unfolding story, with growing civic awareness and optimism.”
He highlighted the growth of the town, through the London Overspill scheme, and highlighted how the town had changed from “higher unemployment and a number of social problems.” He went on to describe the “transformation” which has resulted in “lower unemployment, and lower crime than comparable settlements.”
He went on to say: “There is now a palpable vibrancy with news businesses being attracted to the town, as it benefits from its proximity to Cambridge.”
However he emphasised how “somewhat ignored” Haverhill appears to be, “because of it’s location in the south-west corner of Suffolk.”
After asking the Queen to visit the town Mr Spring assured Her Majesty of the warm welcome she would receive in the town.
“Is there any possibility of your being able to visit the town, when you are in Suffolk? You will assuredly receive the warmest possible welcome.”
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