MP gives dire warning over town's future
By Jo Deeks on Thursday, 23rd August 2001.

In an impassioned plea for a complete overhaul of the town's infrastructure, Mr Spring has written to the leader of St Edmundsbury Borough Council.
In his letter to Coun Derek Redhead, Mr Spring warns the town desperately requires an independent assessment of its needs to meet the demands of the 21st century.
Although welcoming a meeting between Enterprise 2000 and Coun Redhead, Mr Spring says he believes something more radical is needed, beyond the town's specific industrial and retail needs.
He want more executive-type housing, proper assessment of schools and health services, as well as a properly co-ordinated traffic system
"Of course, a modernised town centre would be a great boost to the town," he said.
"The linear nature of most of the shopping provision and the Jubilee Walk area are frozen in time and inappropriate for the higher standards of today's consumers. What I must insist in is that you get a plan together for the town embracing all its service and facility requirements - to be done by the best possible be frank, I believe that unless we get the infrastructure of the town sorted out now, the expansion of the town will take place in an uncoordinated way, with regrettable irreversible consequences.
"People will simply look outside Haverhill for a whole range of activities, despite living there,"
Mr Spring added: "St Edmundsbury is the enabling authority and must do this as soon as possible. Haverhill is increasingly such a wonderful success story and we must now give the town a future which recognises the tremendous positive changes that are taking place.
"There is an opportunity now which must be seized, I shall do whatever I can to assist in this process - but please, to be blunt, get on with it."
A spokesman for St Edmundsbury said Mr Spring's letter had been received but not yet seen by Coun Redhead, who would respond in due course.
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