MP, Richard Spring Fights for the Future of West Suffolk Newsagents.
Monday, 29th June 2009.

Developments in the news distribution industry – the businesses that deliver newspapers and magazines – have left most newsagents with no choice over who supplies them.
Shop owners fear that the lack of competition will leave them with no alternative supplier and vulnerable to increased costs.
Last week almost 800 newsagents delivered a petition to the Office of Fair Trading demanding urgent action to protect competition in the news distribution industry.
Richard Spring MP today threw his weight behind the campaign to save Britain’s newsagents. He said: “Traditional newsagents are the backbone of our community. They deliver a vital service and are a friendly face that many people rely on every day.
“It is shocking and unacceptable that so many newsagents face an uphill struggle to survive. I am happy to pledge my support to newsagents in West Suffolk and across the UK.”
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