Michael retires with special memories…
Thursday, 16th August 2001.

Michael Jarvis, of Mister Road, Haverhill has had to retire on medical grounds but says he will be very sorry to leave the station, where for the last few years he has held the post of sector officer.
The 56-year-old served in the special constabulary at Haverhill alongside his wife who is now station clerk.
"I can’t really explain why I first joined up, but I would say to anyone who wants a change to go for it," he said.
"Special constables can be on night patrol, escorting prisoners or manning events – the Thurlow Steam Show was manned completely by us.
"I have also taken the police driving test and can drive the cars – obviously we can’t do blues and twos, but it has means my car insurance has gone down."
In particular, Mr Jarvis remembers patrolling the celebrations on Millennium Eve. "I was kissed by both women and men on that night," he recalls.
CAPTION: Hanging up his hat ... but special constable Michael Jarvis is urging others to follow in his footsteps.
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