Mayor joins in Halloween horrors at LAMP H
Thursday, 10th October 2013.

Members donned ghoulish fancy dress costumes to enjoy traditional apple-bobbing and rummage-dipping in a spookily-decorated Joan Garrod House.
The members plan their annual programme with volunteers and eagerly anticipate the October meeting with its Halloween Party. Volunteers decorated the hall and provided suitably spooky snacks and drinks.
Cllr Byrne said: "It is a great pleasure to see the members having so much fun. Judging the best costumes is a real challenge – so much effort goes into every outfit."
Cllr André said: "A great evening of fun and games culminates in the costume-judging and prize-giving. The members clearly enjoyed this evening – as they do all their themed events.
"I am always amazed at how a small group of volunteer, led by Elaine Hatfield, manage to bring so much pleasure to the members with modest resources."
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