Manor GCSE results among their best ever
Thursday, 21st August 2014.

This year the percentage of students achieving A*-C grades in English has risen to 64 per cent, with 59 per cent of students achieving A*-C in mathematics.
These results represent enormous effort and commitment by students, staff and their families over their time at Castle Manor and are a testament to the power of working well together.
These excellent results, among the highest ever at the academy, come in despite schools having been prepared for high amounts of volatility in results by the exams regulator, Ofqual.
The chief regulator, Glenys Stacey, recently wrote to schools to advise that they should expect to see more variation in results year on year, more variation between schools and greater variation between subjects.
As with other schools all over the country the breadth of these changes has had an impact on the overall picture at Castle Manor.
This year the percentage of students achieving the benchmark of A*-C grades in both English and maths is 51 per cent.
Head of school Matthew Gibson was full of praise for the students achievements. He said: Our students should be proud of their results today.
"They represent a punctuation in their learning journey and individual results will equip them well for the next stage of their journey, either at our sixth form, CB Sixth, at other colleges or in one of the varied next steps available to them.
Mr Gibson became head of school in September 2013 and has just completed his first year at Castle Manor Academy.
He said: The work we have done with students means that our English and maths results have bucked expectations, but we were clearly not impervious to national issues.
"Our curriculum continues to grow and will benefit from increased stability as the new qualifications are embedded.
Among the academy's notable students were:
Greg Bush (head boy) one A*, eight A, one Distinction (A equiv), one C grade.
Emma Ellis (head girl) one Distinction* (A* equiv), one Distinction (A equiv), one A, four B, three C grades.
Shannon Grace two Distinction*, one Distinction, one A, four B, two C grades.
Paul Jenkinson one A*, four A, three B, two C, one Merit (B equiv), one D grade.
Fiona Meechan one Distinction*, one Distinction, two B, four C grades.
Jason Moore one A*, four A, three B, one Distinction (A equiv), two C grades.
Jessica Murphy two A, five B, one Distinction (A equiv), one Merit (B equiv), one C grade.
Nat Ridgway four A*, three A, three B, one Distinction (A equiv), one C grade.
Josh Ruthven one A*, five A, three B, one Distinction (A equiv), two C grades.
Anna Stimson two Distinction* (A* equiv), one Distinction (A equiv), one A, two B, three C grades.
Sam Street one A*, three A, four B, one Distinction (A equiv), one C, one D grade.
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