Makeover in the pipeline for the churchyard
Tuesday, 20th November 2012.
Plans are afoot to brighten up St Mary’s Churchyard, the area of grass and trees between the church path and Gurteens factory.
Haverhill in Bloom has come forward with a proposal to carry out the work in phases and is looking to attract funding to transform the area.
The group has presented the plans to Haverhill Town Council’s community and leisure committee and been given £5,000 towards the first phase of the scheme.
This would cover the area next to the Drabbet Smock pub and is expected to cost around £15,000.
Later phases would be more expensive and include re-laying the path and bringing in lighting via Victorian-style lamps, as well as creating public art to fill panels on the walls of the factory which surround the area.
Haverhill in Bloom chair Ben Pumfrey said this was an area of the town where they were keen to make an effort and brighten it up, using the existing architecture and mature trees.
Artwork for panels in the wall would come from Samuel Ward Academy and would reflect the history of Haverhill.
ONE Haverhill has already given the initial phase of the project £5,000.
A scheme of some kind to improve the churchyard has long been on the cards but has failed in the past through lack of funding.
The area is owned by the church but maintained by St Edmundsbury Borough Council, which will contribute towards the project by tidying and cleaning up the gravestones.
Town clerk Will Austin has suggested the giant head sculpture project Samuel Ward is working ot the moment as a piece of public art for the town centre could be placed within the churchyard as it would be in keeping with the project.
The area behind the phone boxes will eventually be cleared and redesigned, and he suggested this would be a good site, being on the high street.
The current favoured site is in the market square opposite the Drabbet Smock.
Haverhill in Bloom has come forward with a proposal to carry out the work in phases and is looking to attract funding to transform the area.
The group has presented the plans to Haverhill Town Council’s community and leisure committee and been given £5,000 towards the first phase of the scheme.
This would cover the area next to the Drabbet Smock pub and is expected to cost around £15,000.
Later phases would be more expensive and include re-laying the path and bringing in lighting via Victorian-style lamps, as well as creating public art to fill panels on the walls of the factory which surround the area.
Haverhill in Bloom chair Ben Pumfrey said this was an area of the town where they were keen to make an effort and brighten it up, using the existing architecture and mature trees.
Artwork for panels in the wall would come from Samuel Ward Academy and would reflect the history of Haverhill.
ONE Haverhill has already given the initial phase of the project £5,000.
A scheme of some kind to improve the churchyard has long been on the cards but has failed in the past through lack of funding.
The area is owned by the church but maintained by St Edmundsbury Borough Council, which will contribute towards the project by tidying and cleaning up the gravestones.
Town clerk Will Austin has suggested the giant head sculpture project Samuel Ward is working ot the moment as a piece of public art for the town centre could be placed within the churchyard as it would be in keeping with the project.
The area behind the phone boxes will eventually be cleared and redesigned, and he suggested this would be a good site, being on the high street.
The current favoured site is in the market square opposite the Drabbet Smock.
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