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Major investor talks about Haverhill's future

Wednesday, 12th May 2010.

A major investor in Haverhill will be talking to businesses next week about why he invested here and his vision for the town's future.

The Best of Haverhill will hold their next business meeting on Thursday, May 20, at Days Inn, Haverhill, from 10am to 11.30am.

The first 'It’s Thursday – with The Best of Haverhill' took place last month and gave an opportunity for three of the prospective parliamentary candidates for West Suffolk to present their manifestos for Haverhill businesses.

Continuing with the theme of Wanting The Best For Haverhill, Nic Rumsey, owner of Days Inn, Haverhill, and director of Carisbrooke Investments, who are responsible for the Haverhill Business Park development, has been invited to talk about why he has invested in Haverhill, his plans for future development and his vision for the town.

Elaine Carr, owner of The Best of Haverhill comments: “Our event in April with the political candidates was very well supported by the business community. Local business people are obviously interested and concerned about the future of our town.

"Government, at a national and local level, are just one of the players influencing what happens in Haverhill. There are companies in the private sector who want to develop areas of the town.

"While there is ongoing debate about the impact such developments may have on the town centre, we should remember that these companies are looking to invest significant amounts of capital into Haverhill.

"They offer employment opportunities for local people and their proposed developments have the potential to stimulate the local economy.

"I am delighted that Nic Rumsey has accepted our invitation to talk about his plans for Haverhill. Nic is already a major stakeholder in Haverhill and a strong advocate for the town.”

The 55-acre Haverhill Business Park is currently home to eight businesses including Culina Logistics.

With 26 acres of land left for development for bespoke buildings, starting from 10,000sq ft up to the Big Brother site which will provide 212,200sq ft suitable for a high bay distribution warehouse, this site has great potential for further inward investment.

Nic has also invested in land on the western approach to Haverhill and is currently in consultation with St Edmundsbury Borough Council on the development opportunities for the Haverhill Research Park, at Hanchet End, and a proposed residential site - the Haverhill Western Edge.

Nic said: “Managing growth and ensuring the right balance of development to create a thriving local economy is a complex issue.

"Everyone wants to see a vibrant town centre with a retail offer that appeals to the residents of the town and surrounding hinterland.

"Availability of employment is another key issue. Encouraging hi tech firms into the area will open up the employment opportunities to people who currently live in Haverhill and have to travel to Cambridge to work.

"The provision of good quality housing is also an important factor in attracting people into the town. Once the population and demographic of Haverhill reaches a certain level then the type of retailers that people really want in the town centre will start to take an interest in Haverhill.

"I think it is important that the business community in Haverhill is kept well informed about the prospective developments. They can then form their own opinions about what is best for Haverhill and voice those opinions to the decision-makers.”

If you are a local business and would like to attend this free event at The Days Inn, Haverhill, please call Elaine Carr on 01440 710 158 or email Haverhill@thebestof.co.uk. If you would like to find about more about The Best of Haverhill visit www.thebestof.co.uk/haverhill.

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