Lottery cash for laptop project
Thursday, 1st February 2001.

The cash will enable the group to buy more laptop computers to take out into the community to be used by people with disabilities.
Ann Thomas, chairman of HAVO, said they were delighted, as they would be able to help many more people.
"We are absolutely delighted with it, we have had so many people saying to us: 'When are you coming back to see us again?', Ms Thomas said.
Mick Simpkin of HAVO thanked the Haverhill HAWKS Club for people with disabilities, who took part in a pilot project, and Lesley Mason of Community Education, who had helped set it up.
The project came about after Ms Mason was involved in a Silver Surfers sessions at Haverhill Library to help older people to use computers and the internet. Mr Simpkin felt laptop computers would give the same opportunity to people who were housebound by illness or disability.
Mr Simpkin has also visited sheltered accommodation in Haverhill to give elderly residents a chance to use new technology. Ms Thomas said they hoped to extend the scheme further and perhaps provide web-cam facilities.
HAVO has been promised more computer equipment from a company, but welcomes any donations of cash or equipment to extend the project further. Anyone interested in taking part in the project or supporting it can ring (01440) 714641.
* A £12,440 grant to HAVO has been approved.
The Development and Finance Committee of St Edmundsbury Borough Council has included it in its 2001/2002 growth list. But it still needs approval by the Policy and Resources Committee.
A report to the Committee described HAVO as an umbrella group providing support for 135 voluntarry organisations.
HAVO is seeking core funding to develop its activites by recruiting a manager and assistant.
PHOTO CAPTION: Cash delight... Lesley Mason and Mick Simpkin with Carol Campbell, Chris Pinckney, Phil French and Ann Thomas at the HAVO centre.
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