Local firm help African aids victims
By Martin Chapman on Thursday, 30th August 2001.

tMSc, a locally based IT support, strategy and software development company are donating all profits from an IT training day to help the plight of those affected by Aids in Africa after being challenged by Signify to raise £1000 from just £10. Signify is a business which aims like tMSc to help businesses develop their capability.
The training session will be held at the Haverhill Golf Club house on Friday 14th September 2001 is aimed at end users in business and those who make the decisions about computer systems within businesses.
Adrian Burr of tMSc says: "We aim to raise over £1000, but we would like much, much more to make impact on the problem!"
They have managed to gain sponsorship for the event from STP, Abacus Communications in Kent, CMI in Baythorne End, Doric Board in Saffron Walden as well as Haverhill-UK.
Any businesses after further information about the event should contact tMSc their phone number is: 01440 730211, or visit their website by clicking the weblink.
Web Link: http://www.tmsc.co.uk
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