Local Business Branches Out in Clare Country Park
Tuesday, 23rd June 2009.

Local businessman, Richard Palmer, who runs Number One Deli and Café in Clare, saw an opportunity to provide refreshments for people spending time in the local park and came up with the idea of a mobile catering service using a specially made trike.
Richard said, “At present 140,000 visitors come to the park throughout the year and many comment on their evaluation sheet that it would be improved with the provision of refreshments. So with the support and permission of the Senior Ranger and local authority, we negotiated to buy the licence to sell teas and coffees.”
After looking at a range of possible mobile coffee units, the preferred option of the trike had originally been dismissed due to the cost. That is, until Richard heard about the Suffolk Rural Economy Scheme. “We fitted the criteria for the grant and applied knowing that unless we were successful, our project would never be realised.
Richard received £5,000 from the Suffolk Rural Economy Scheme which partly financed the purchase of the coffee trike and it has now begun trading at weekends.
During the summer months, the trike will be in the park every day and as Richard points out, selling refreshments to visitors, not only provides a very welcome public service, but other businesses in the town will benefit too. “This grant has allowed us to realise a business plan built on knowledge and understanding of the needs of our local community. The provision of drinks and snacks will make the park more popular with families and walkers throughout the year and will become a destination in itself. Visitors, once refreshed, will be encouraged to stay longer and use other sites in Clare.”
Richard intends to make a regular donation from the trike takings to local charities. The first to benefit will be ‘Clare in Bloom’.
Fran Toomey, Assistant Director for Economic Development and Planning, Suffolk County Council said, “Local businesses are vital to our economy and we are pleased to support imaginative ideas like this which encourages tourism and thereby helps stimulate the local economy.
Since the start of the scheme in October 2007, we have provided grant funding to 21 projects (this includes 10 post offices, 8 shops and 3 pubs developing a community retail offer). This not only helps businesses to survive during these times, but also to flourish, as well as meeting the needs of their local communities.”
Web Link: http://www.numberonedeli.co.uk
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