Lisa Mason School of Dance Shines in June
Tuesday, 1st July 2008.

On Friday 27th and Saturday 28th June 2008, the LMSD dancers performed their Summer Stage show ‘Shine!’ Around 500 family members and friends attended the shows to watch the dancers showcase their work.
Lisa Mason said:"The dancers - children and adults - worked extremely hard in preparing for the show, and the performances really were a celebration of their enthusiasm and hard work. All the routines looked amazing and were of high quality. We are proud of all our dancers and their achievements in performing in this show.
"The teaching team, including Siobahn Whitehead, Naomi Hirst and Jane Doncaster, and I have really enjoyed preparing for the show and working with all the dancers over the past year. We believe that we have many shining stars at the school.
"The dance school is very fortunate to have parents willing to help out in the changing rooms. Some parents didn’t even get to see the show! We are most appreciative of the commitment and support our helpers have given. The children’s dancing was enhanced by the wonderful costumes the dancers wore - thanks again to everyone involved in putting the costumes together.
"I understand that children attending the school require significant commitment and support from their parents. I would like to thank all the parents for allowing their children to experience the joys of dancing on stage. Opportunities like these will always be a part of their childhood memories."
The evening also included a very popular demonstration from Tang Soo Do, the martial arts club in Haverhill, who performed during the interval.
LMSD has raised £420 for EACH, East Anglia’s Children’s Hospice.
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